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Rosary Prayers

Last UPDATED 3-12-2020



The Rosary for the Lower Astral Planes

I’m in H. (A plea for help)

”Mary-Ma – I’m in h. – I’m dead – so many are here with me. For God’s sake prayer for us – PLEASE It’s worse than I ever imagined. Help us Mary-Ma!!!”

Ami M.

1-7-17 7:57 AM

This plea for help was received by me on Saturday 1-7-17. Because I am one of the Divine Mothers I answered immediately. This Rosary is one of the most important ones I have received/created because the Earth Gaia must be purified from the transgressions of the people, the Church, the governments etc. Many believe this is part of the Divine Plan. Our Mother-Father God of this Universe have TODAY  2-2-17created  a Dispensation for all beings who are in the Lower Astral Planes. Mother Mary and the Holy Family also wish us and all people to be prepared and protected from all harm. This Rosary for the Lower Astral Planes will do just that. Realize some beings who experience horrible lives are actually living in these lower realms upon our Earth and they were never meant to go there. Often they condemned themselves. *Forgiveness Flames blaze with in all hearts now. (5x)

Perhaps you do not believe in the lower realms. I did not, but over the years I realize that the thoughts of humanity create, for we are creator gods. The lower astral planes are recognized by many traditions such as Christianity, and the “hungry ghost realms” in Buddhism, etc. Therefore these dimensions exist for some people, but not for all people.

The Rosary for the Lower Astral Realms


This Rosary is for people wishing to uplift  humanity and our planet and for those in these low vibratory rates/realms upon Earth (those in slavery, prison, abusive relationships, or those who hold great physical, psychological or even spiritual pain, as in the stigmata, etc.) or possibly those who live upon one of the many parallel Earths. We now exist upon Earth 27.

We also call forth a Court of Equity in which all are equal, in this case the Karmic Board to receive this Rosary for the Lower Astral Planes and for all sentient beings.

[It is recommended to give this profound prayer on Rosary beads. Your beads maybe worn around your neck for additional protection in these End Times.]

Revelation by Archangel Lord Michael

This Rosary for Lower Astral Planes is to prepare you and protect you and all beings in this time of transition. Try it and feel the difference in your life. It also, for the first time, introduces  the six Feminine Lords to our Universe and reveals them to our planet. They joyfully come forward to transmute and uplift all beings.

See Steven Hawken’s comment given telepathically today, 1-11-17 at the end of this prayer.

The Protection of Lord Michael

Lord Michael we implore you to protect Earth 27 (our present Earth) and then all Parallel Earth’s. Also please Resurrect Earth 25 which was destroyed in 2014 by Cern and is now in the illusionary Lower Astral realms. Some of our aspects (other bodies) maybe still there on Earth 25.

This Resurrection Project has begun with this Prayer.  Every recitation of this Rosary helps in this cause and creates positive karma for you, your family, your ancestors, and all beings in the lower realms. Many beings have already forgiven themselves and are now ascending from these lower levels.

I forgive myself. (3x)Thank you God. (3x)

[Hold your Rosary beads.]

Call me: Archangel Lord Michael. (3x)

Lord have Mercy (13x)


Say holding the Cross:

Mother Shekinah and Lord Metatron,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Issa and Mary,

Loving-Kindness of The Maitreya – Mary & Ram Buddha and Lord Maitreya Sr.

Saint Joseph, guardian of all souls,

Holy Spirit the Divine Breath and the Holy Dove,

Saint Lord Michael protector of the innocent,

All saints: Lord Padre’ Pio. All St Theresa’s – Mother of Calcutta, India; Saint Theresa of the Little Flower, France (of the Miraculous Medal); St Theresa of Avila, Spain; Saint Theresa of the Stigmata, Germany, prayer for us all - those in the lower realms and those living in abusive, dense vibrations  upon this Earth and on all parallel Earths.

Call me: Archangel Lord Michael bring all Archangels and saints forward now. (3x)

Archangels have Mercy. (3x)

Saints have Mercy. (13x)

[Hold all the beads together with your left hand and make this call]

Archangel Azrael. (3x) (He is the Angel of Death, Transmutation and Resurrection.  He also is one who holds the Holy Spirit.)

Holy Spirit come forth now. (3x)

[Hold your beads to your physical heart.] 

Divine Mother-Matrix of all of the Divine Mothers (3x), Release the Mercy Flame of the Mother’s. Drop it into the Astral Plane and all areas that resonate with misery or abuse (past, present or future.)    

[Hold your beads to your heart chakra in the center of your chest.] 

                                        Divine Mothers have Mercy. (3x)

[Hold the beads to your naval center.]

Forgiveness Flame – Violet, Silver and Turquoise descend, descend, and descend. 3x)

Goddess Kwan Yin. (3x) and Lord Saint Germain, bring your Mercy Flame the Violet Consuming Flame to release its most powerful momentum and all prevailing action now.) [Repeat from the *star.]*Cleanse and heal. (3x)

Go to the 6 beads above the Cross. Call the 6 feminine Lords to come forth now with full Goddess Power. (The year indicates the time they were given their Lordship by The Great Karmic Board.)

Lord Mary (1991), Lord Portia (2001), Lord Mary Buddha (2013), Lord D.H. (2016), Lord Mary Magdalene (2016), and the Secret Feminine Lord (2016).

[Touch each of the beads again.]

Feminine Lords have Mercy. (6x)

Circle Medal:

Divine Mothers bring the pure Milk of the Mothers; pour it upon all life. *Free the children. (3x) *Save the children (3x) and all innocent ones now. Pour the Milk of the Mothers upon the Collective Consciousness, the Rainbow Bridge and all sentient beings.

 First decant (group of 10 beads) say:   (5x) for beings in the Lower Astral, and (5x) more for all of our ancestors.

The Blessed Ascension Rosary

Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou among women, and
Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of us all,
Blend with us, Children of the Sun/Son,
For we have consciously won our Ascension,
Right now and forevermore I AM.

Beloved Lord Mary
Mother of the Cosmic Christ

Heart Stream Mary-Ma McChrist

First single bead:

Supreme Mother dissolve all lower realms. (3x)

Second decant/group of 10 beads.

Lord Portia, Goddess of Justice descend the Violet Flame and Fire. *Cleanse and heal. (3x) Bring all beings personal sovereignty and freedom.* I Am the Violet Flame. (3x)   [whole second decant (10x).]

Second single bead:

Supreme Mother dissolve all lower realms. (3x)

Third decant/group of 10 beads.

Rainbow Madonna Lord Mary Buddha - the Lotus/Lord Buddha and the Rose/Lord Christ, protectors of the Buddhas, dharma (teachings) and sangha (the people), and all Maitreyas bring forth Loving-Kindness and Compassion. We dedicate our Love to all sentient beings - Om. (10X) [Lord Maitreya is the new Cosmic Christ and the Cosmic Buddha.]

Third single bead:

Supreme Mother dissolve all lower realms. (3x)

Forth decant:

Lord and Sage D.H. bring Truth, Temperance and Love to all beings; transmute all evil. (10x)

Fourth single bead:

Supreme Mother dissolve all lower realms (3x)

Fifth decant:

Lord Mary Magdalene, Lady of Our Lord Jesus and Lord Issa, bring your Black Rose to absorb all pain and sorrow. Cleanse all death, hell and abuse. (10x) *Victory to the Mother - Jai Ma. (3x)     

Fifth single beads:

Supreme Mother dissolve all lower realms (3x)

Sixth decant:

O Secret Lord Mother of Synthesis, melt all opposition, awaken humanity, shift all denial, indifference and suffering. Bring Ascension and Victory to all beings. (10x)

Amen, all-women, all-children, all-men, all creation, all-One.

[Hold the beads in both hands.]

I am sealing this prayer with the Power, Love and Compassion of the six feminine Lords.

Lord Mary, Lord Portia, Lord Mary Buddha, Lord D.H, Lord Mary Magdalene, and the Secret feminine Lord.

Feminine Lords have Mercy. (6x)

This prayer which is given for the Lower Astral Realms and also given for all sentient beings on all Earths, in our Universe and in all Universes and realities. World without end.

Mary-Ma Clarice McChrist (Mother Christos/Higher Self)

1-7-17 4:49  PM Revised daily until 1-27-17 11:51 AM

We ask that the momentum of the Rosary for Lower Astral Realms be multiplied by 100.000 x 100,000 with full God/Goddess Power. So be it and so it is.

2017 by Mary McChrist. All rights reserved. Please share for personal or group non-commercial use only, giving complete credit as shown. Web sites:  www.MaryClariceMcChrist.comwww.mother-matrix.comwww.AscendingWithTheMaitreya.wordpress.com Phone:530-938-4690, E-mail: maryma33@gmail.com.

Donations are gratefully received through Pay Pal. www.MaryClariceMcChrist.com




Lord Metatron – “When Mary-Ma McChrist completed this new Rosary for the Lower Realms all the heavens and astral plane cheered in unison. This has never happened before. Give this prayer every day and do your part to transmute 2017. Please send this out on Facebook. This needs to go viral. My blessing is upon you all”

www.MaryClariceMcChrist.com  www.TheMother-Matrix.com  www.AscendingWithTheMaitreya.wordpress.com

Phone 530-938-4690. E-mail: maryma33@gmail.com,

Teleconference Calls: Sundays 9-10:30 AM PST Phone: 605-475-6711 Code: 657-52-79#. Free. Thursdays Teachings 6-8 PM and The Fatima Vigil nightly at 5:30-6:15 PM. Come visit us. Love Offerings are appreciated for the work.

Comments on “The Rosary for the Lower Astral Realms”

(Please send in your comments.)

I am Steven Hawkins,

I want to thank you for creating the “Rosary for the Lower Astral Realms.”

I have lived in my own h. for many years.

Since your Rosary has been created and given, I am beginning to heal. Great     pressure and sorrow is beginning to lift off my form. My wife has noted my emotional improvement.

I am also grateful that Satan was put in the Black Dot on 12-31-16 by Lord Jesus and yourself Lord Issa.

I felt the SHIFT immediately. Bless you Mary-Ma McChrist.

1-11-17 12:33 PM.


Ramiel Maitreya Buddha,

Your “Rosary for The Lower Realms” has shifted this reality. People are sleeping like after a great endless war. You are being released from h. Ma. Satan tried to stop your mission. Now you will be able to do your spiritual work much more easily.

1-7-17 3:00 PM.

Father of Manifestation - Children, everything is different! Earth 27 is recovering.



There is a lot to this Rosary for the Lower Astral Realm. We are ready to do the work and I feel we are ready to do it in a serious way.

This type of Rosary and these Spiritual Courts of Equity, is a type of healing and clearing work that we are doing which knows no boundaries. It is limitless and timeless.  I think this is the kind of Rosary that literally and metaphysical transcends time and space. Like it goes way back into the past, with all of our ancestors. 

Well it doesn’t go that deep into the future either because I was told (by the Higher Company of Heaven) the belief and concept of the Lower Realms at some point in the near future will no longer exists.


Hollywood really requires the Rosary For the Lower Astral Realms. So many of us have been bought, sold and delivered. No more Mary-Ma. Now we have a chance.


Update by Lord Metatron - As of 1-14-17 365,000 people have been removed from these Lower Astral Realms on E27 – some were upon the planet and some were freed from h. situations or circumstances. Outstanding work Ma.

Lord Maitreya Senior

Mary-Ma go ahead call him into your heart. Ram slid down the banister into my core heart. Lord Maitreya Senior made him go up and walk down properly. Ma laughed and laughed.

LMS – Someone needs to keep the discipline up around here Ma. Sorry Ram,   I’m just remembering the days I could have done that.





Mother Mary-Ma is much better, but prayers are still appreciated. As one of the Divine Mothers she transmutes for our world.. Donations are welcome for all of the extra expensives. Thank you Beloved Ones. 

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