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Rosary Prayers

Last UPDATED 3-12-2020


 Blog 1.

I was privileged  to be given a very important prayer. It is the feminine opposite of the Lord’s Prayer.

The Mother’s Prayer

Our Father which art in Heaven,

Our Mother who is the Earth,

Hallowed is thy Name:
 I Am That I Am

We call today, in this Holy Now,
Beyond all time and space,
For the unification of all minds,
For the dropping of the Mind
Into the Holy Heart of the Mother.

Thy Will is done –
Thy Queendom – Kingdom is Here
On Earth united with Heaven.

Om Christ, Om Mother,
Om Buddha.
All One Now and Forever.

Infinite Divine World
I Am That I Am.

Now and forever – World – Heaven
United and Free;
In Loving-Kindness and
Pure forgiveness of all past =
World without END.


Lord Buddha and the Maitreya – Mary and Ram Buddha

Heart stream Mary McChrist

5-13-19 3:55 AM

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